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Civil Grand Jury Applicants:

Seeking grand jury applicants for the 25/26 year. For more information and to apply, visit the Grand Jury Page

Domestic Violence

If you are in immediate danger, call 911!

  • Domestic Violence Restraining Order Overview

    Detailed look at what a restraining order can do for you and how to get one, as well as links to the forms you will need.

  • Domestic Violence Restraining Order Guided Forms

    This online assistant will help you complete the correct forms.

  • Respond to a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

  • Renew a Domestic Violence Restraining Order

  • Submitting Domestic Violence Restraining Orders

Domestic Violence Information & Resources

If you are in immediate danger, please call 911 or seek safety. Please note that websites you visit may be viewed by someone else later. Always clear your browsing history after searching the web. Consider using a public or friend's computer if you are concerned about someone viewing your browsing history.


As a victim of domestic violence, your safety and the safety of your children and family are very important. Remember, if you are making phone calls from home or using your home computer, there may be ways that people in your home can check your calls and the internet sites that you have visited. For more information regarding safety planning, please call one of the domestic violence agencies listed on this information sheet.

Local Resources for San Benito County

  • Emergency: 911

  • Community Resources and References: 211

  • Victim Notification System: Register to be notified when someone is released from jail/prison

    • Prison: (916) 358-2436
    • Jail VINE System: (831) 454-2444 or 1-877-331-8463

Community Solutions Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

310 Fourth St, Hollister CA 95023
24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-877-331-8463
Office Line: 831-637-1094

Domestic Violence Shelter

Emmaus House, Domestic Violence shelter for Women and Children, Hollister CA
24 Hour Crisis Hotline 1/877-778-7978 or 831-6367224

Senior Citizens Legal Service

300 West St. Hollister CA 95023

Local Law Enforcement Agencies:

  • Emergencies call 911
  • Hollister Police Department: (non-emergency) 831-636-4330
  • Sheriff Department, County of San Benito: (non-emergency) 831-636-4330

District Attorney’s Office:

419 4th St. Hollister CA 95023 831-636-4120

  • Victim Witness-Division of the District Attorney’s Office
    Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm
  • Adult Probation: San Benito County
    Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
    400 Monterey Street, Hollister CA 95023

Suicide Prevention:

24 Hour toll-free Suicide Crisis Line: 1-877-ONE-LIFE/1-877-6635433

The National Domestic Violence Hotline Number:

1-800-799-7233 91-800-799-SAFE and web address

Safe At Home (Secretary of State)

State Program for victims of domestic violence that includes: Confidential mail forwarding program, suppression of DMV records, confidential name change, registration to vote without address being made public. To sign up you must contact an enrolling agent in your community such as one of the Domestic Violence agencies listed above or call 1-877-322-5227 or web site

Internet Resources State Self Help Web Site (Legal Information and Forms): You may access this internet site at any computer including the Law Library located at and the Self Help Center located at

Restraining Order Procedures

What is the first thing I should do?

Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.

Consult an attorney if you have questions regarding your legal rights. Talk to local, regional, or national domestic violence agencies (see above for phone numbers for some domestic violence agencies).

Obtain the free packet of domestic violence forms from the clerk’s office, 450 Fourth St. in Hollister, open Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.

You may also contact an attorney, legal document assistant (formerly known as a paralegal), the Court’s Self Help Center, Community Solutions or Victim Witness to see if they can help you prepare the court papers to request a restraining order (see above for phone numbers for Community Solutions and Victim Witness).

Where Can I Go to Have the Papers Served?

The San Benito County Sheriff’s Department 2301 Technology Parkway, Hollister, CA 95023, (831)636-4080 will serve restraining order paperwork. 

Note there maybe a fee charged depending on the type of restraining order you need served.

You can also ask someone you know, who is over 18 years old, to serve the papers or hire a private process server (see yellow pages for local process servers). If someone over 18 serves the papers they must complete a proof of service stating the papers were served by them to the restrained party.

Restraining Order Forms & FAQs

You can click to view or download the forms below that you will be receiving assistance at the Self-Help Center.  Also, click on the FAQs below for more information

Superior Court of California
County of San Benito
450 Fourth Street
Hollister, CA 95023
(831) 636-4057, telephone hours 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

You may also contact an attorney, legal document assistance (formerly known as a paralegal), Community Solutions or Victim Witness to see if they can help you prepare the court papers to request a restraining order (see first page for phone numbers for Community Solutions and Victim Witness).

Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.  Consult an attorney if you have questions regarding your legal rights.

Talk to local, regional, or national domestic violence agencies (see first page for phone numbers for some domestic violence agencies).

Obtain the free packet of domestic violence forms from the clerk's office (450 Fourth Street, M-F: 8:00-3:30)

The San Benito County Sheriff’s Department
2301 Technology Parkway
Hollister, CA 95023
Phone 636-4080 x3

Will serve restraining order paperwork (note there maybe a fee charged depending on the type of restraining order you need served).

You can also ask someone you know, who is over 18 years old, to serve the papers or hire a private process server (see yellow pages for local process servers).  If someone over 18 serves the papers they must complete a proof of service stating the papers were served by them to the restrained party.

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